Thursday, May 3, 2012

I ♥ Summer Vacation

Since I started teaching, summer vacation is my most awaited vacation. It is two-sweet-month of me time! I can do anything I want minus the worry and stress brought by due dates, due dates and did I say due dates? Haha Well I have hundreds of reason why I love summer vacation and a single entry will not be enough to enumerate everything. But let me name the top reasons.

Drum roll please...

Train Hard!. No more 7:30 am class to make me skip training. It is summer and it’s not likely to rain so not even the weather is an excuse. So, I love summer because I get to train regularly plus I always come across with my biker friends along the road. Yay!

Quality Time with Friends. On regular school days, I am so busy that at times I could not even say hi to my friends. But summer vacation allows me to spend more time with them. We get to do things we like and are passionate about. So, I love summer because I have more time to spend with great friends!

Try New Sports. And what does one do with her two-sweet-month of me time? Try new sport! Cross train! Wouldn’t it be nice learn new sport? And trying out new sport with great friends makes it extra special.

Full-time Student. Yeah, once again I am a student. I guess studying is something I can’t forego. Thus, apart from training I also put my energy on studying. So, I love summer because I am a full-time student – meaning I am but a student – PERIOD 

License to Go Home Late. Uhm, I better not elaborate this part. But one thing though, if I am not in school attending my classes, I am at Freedom Park training with Melisa and Jersan. =))