Monday, June 18, 2012

A Daughter's Letter to Her Father

Dear Papa,

One morning while I was running, Mama started to complain about the whole running thing. She said all I got from running was dark complexion, skinny body and muscular legs. I didn’t notice you were in the kitchen looking out from the screen door. I only did when I heard you said “Sige lang, Anak. Okay lang yan. Huwag mo pansinin si Mama.” And then you went out of the kitchen and gave me a high five. Your words and actions were enough for me to go on. You always have a way of lifting up my dampen spirits. People say you are my abogado ever since I was a child. I say I’m lucky for I always have you on my side.

When I was a kid you would always tell me I am your last ace. I didn’t understand what you meant until you sent me to Davao City to join UP Mindanao. Eight semesters away from you were the toughest times of my life. Each time I fail my exams all I could do was wish you were there to give me a big hug. And my success in every endeavor felt incomplete for you weren’t there to give me a high five. You have always been my strength in times of difficulties. You have always been my cheer leader in times of happiness. 

A lotta people fear you. Everyone thinks you are a very stern person. Some says your words are rules to be followed. I think otherwise. In fact, I see you as the most compassionate person. Each time I see you laugh, you remind me of a person full of love and happiness. Each time you tell me your frustrations, you make me realize that sometimes it isn’t bad to break the wall and lower down the guards. Each time you share your dreams, you unconsciously teach me the importance of dreaming big and working hard for it. You are tough but fair and you know how to have fun.  

When I’m with you I can be myself. I can laugh without covering my mouth and forget about my unflattering gums. I can weep like a baby without being ashamed.  I can talk about my plans and need not worry whether you will approve it or not. I can share to you my passion and all you ever do is support me. I can wear anything and you still believe I’m a real knockout. I can be who I am without seeking for your approval because you always make me feel I am your last ace. 

Papa thank you for always making me feel secured with your love. I love it when you remind me not to run too far for there not so nice people around. (But of course you knew I always go farther than your set distance.) I appreciate the times when you hold my hand when crossing the street. It is like a reminder to everyone that no one can hurt me as long as you are around. And oh, how I find it weird and funny at the same time when we suddenly look at each other and burst into laughter for we have seen something humorous. As they say great minds think alike. =))

I am sorry for I tested your patience many times. And in all those times you remained tolerant and understanding. You demonstrated your love in your own way. You always push me hard to reach my goals. And once the goals are reached, you are the first person to give me a high five. You have passed on to me great values in life and I am determined to follow it.

Papa, do you know why daughters need a father? We need a father for us to be reminded that not all men are the same. I feel blessed for having a father like. You will always top my list of icons and heroes.

Happy Father’s Day!

I love you always.
