Saturday, April 7, 2012

It's More Fun to Run

It’s been five months now since I started running. And my life has improved dramatically.  Although losing weight was not my primary reason for engaging in it, it just feels good to know that I have maintained my ideal weight. It is also heart warming to hear that I have served as an inspiration to some of my friends with weight problems.

I am determined to continue running for as long as I can. The psychological benefits of running far outweigh physical demands. Hence, it has gained popularity making it a favorite activity of many people. Let me enumerate some of the psychological benefits of running:

Runner's High
Remember what I wrote on my first entry (Wanted: Inner Peace)? I felt happy and relaxed. This is because running releases endorphins that make one feel good. Running can give one a feeling of happiness that can last for hours.

Anxiety and Stress Relief
Psychologists claim that running makes one less tense, less depressed, less fatigued, and less confused. It gives the person something other than their depression to focus on. While studies show that running is a natural tranquilizer, its effects on patients with clinical depression, addictions, and disease are remarkable.

Mood Booster
There were days when I had to skip running. And I noticed that I easily get cranky over small things. But once I get back to running, I started feeling better mentally and physically. Cross sectional studies show that depressive symptoms decrease with increased levels of exercise.

An evident psychological benefit of running is confidence. Confidence may result from running if one have achieved ideal weight and toned body.

Fewer Minor Medical Complaints
Studies show that physically fit women complain less of minor medical conditions such as colds, allergies, fatigue, menstrual discomfort, backache, and digestive disorders than do less fit women.

Decrease Fatigue
A few days ago, someone told me that I have been running a lot lately and that I must have been really tired. I told her, not even a bit because running can decrease fatigue, making one feel more energetic. Being tired is one of the top reasons people choose to skip a run. This is a mistake as running will actually have the opposite effect.

Improved Memory
What I like about running is it keeps me sharp and alert at all times. Studies suggest that exercise such running increases mental functioning. As the old saying goes: A healthy body is a healthy mind.

Fight Addiction
People also use running to help overcome alcohol or drug addictions. When a recovering addict isn't using, there tends to be a void left in their life. Exercise can help fill that void. Working out becomes a "positive addiction."

Aside from the psychological benefits of running, it also has physical benefits. In fact, it is mostly because of the physical benefits that running has gained its popularity. Now, let me enumerate some of the physical benefits of running:

Manage/Reduce Weight
One of the most popular benefits of running is to reduce or manage weight. It’s been proven to burns more calories per minute, than any other form of cardiovascular exercise. Research shows the fact that running burns an average of 100 calories per each mile.

Anti-aging Agent
Running has been proved to be beneficial in slowing the aging process. People, who run regularly, do not face muscle or bone loss in comparison to their counterparts. Running helps to enhance the glow of the face. It promotes the human growth hormone which helps in staying young.

Lowering the Risk of Heart Attack
Running is beneficial in reducing the risk of heart attacks, by strengthening the heart, lowering blood pressure and maintaining the elasticity of arteries.

Increase of HDL
Regular running raises HDL (good) cholesterol. It reduces the risk of blood clots and encourages use of 50% of your lungs that usually go unused.

Immune System Booster
Running has positive effects on the immune system. It creates a higher concentration of lymphocytes in the blood.

Whatever your reason for running, may it be psychological or physical always remember to have fun. Make every run as a venue to make friends and expand your network. Remember, we need a strong support system to survive in this world.