Sunday, April 15, 2012

I Can Run: Special Run for Kids with Special Needs

Of all the races I have joined this year, I Can Run is the closest to my heart. This particular run is organized through the joint efforts of private and government organizations for children with special needs. Event such as this is necessary not only to develop the social skills of these children but also to make the people aware of their condition and be sensitive of their needs. As the event’s tag line says “Stop the stare, start to care.”

Although the event did not start on time due to some unforeseen circumstances it was nevertheless a success. Aside from the 10k, 5k, and 3k categories which were participated by adult runners, there was also 500m dash which was participated by children with special needs. I felt sad though that I didn’t get to see the children run (because I joined the 10k race). I would have cheered for them. I would have joined their parents clapped for them. Somehow I envied Teacher Mel because she was requested to be one of the emcees hence she had the chance to watch them.

Why am I so melodramatic about this event? Well, aside from I love kids, my first teaching job was in a SPED school in Makati. It was the toughest yet the most fulfilling part of my teaching career. I was assigned to teach in high school but had few loads in grade school and one on one classes. Being with them five hours a day was not as easy as with the mainstream classes but very rewarding. At the end of the day I would always smile remembering the things I taught Miki, Therese, Patrick, Hans, Angelo, Cham, and the rest of my students. I loved how sweet these students can become. My day was never complete without a kiss and hug from them. Their parents were also the nicest parents to work with. I appreciated the fact that they trust us, teachers, with all their hearts and supported us all the way.
Okay, going back to the race, somehow I was a bit sad that Alex, my running buddy was not able to join. I now realized how important a companion is. Since I was one of the last in the pack, there was no to talk to and share my opinions. Well, yeah, I could have talked to my fellow runners but this morning I was too lazy to do that. I guess it must have been the lack of sleep. Less than five hours of sleep was no good. I felt sluggish after the race. 

Although I was a bit lethargic during the race, I managed to complete 10k at 1:10:02. Compared to my record in Saya Lakad, Saya Takbo where I finished 10k at 1:16:00, it was an improvement. Finally, I was able to maintain my seven minutes per kilometer. I guess I would have to stick to 10k for now and work some more on my running time. Hopefully, I could finish 10k in an hour or better yet less than an hour in my next races.

After the race Teacher Mel and I went to Jollibee to eat a hearty breakfast. His boyfriend joined us afterwards. We happily talked about our experiences while eating. We also talked about the upcoming race in Fort Magsaysay. We encouraged Jersan to join us in our next race which he readily agreed. We rested for a while and decided to part ways.

Once again it was an event full of fun and lessons. It was an event which will forever hold a special place in my heart.