Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Bull Runner Dream Marathon 2013

Six months ago, I started my training for my first full marathon. I initially used the training program included in my welcome kit but since it was designed for a beginner I started looking for a training program online. Good thing a friend gave me an individualized training program. I thought it would match my ability minus getting bored.

Although I tried hard to stick to my program I cheated most of the time. I knew it wasn’t something to be proud of but there were just so many things goin on that I couldn’t stick to it. Long weekend runs were taken for granted. What made things worse, I gained weight after the holidays so come January I was obsessed in trying to lose weight. Crunch time combined with diet resulted to unhealthy me.

While I felt physically unprepared my mind asserted otherwise. Tiwala lang, I would always remind myself. Things changed though when I met my fellow Dreamers at the send off party. I realized everyone seemed emotionally and physically ready that I thought pushing through with TBR DM was a not so good idea.

And then finally here comes the BIG DAY…
I was glad I joined Dream Run in September so getting to Nuvali was no longer a problem. Although I knew I could handle it alone, I decided it would be nice to be with friends for the much needed support. Two of my trusted students went with me. We left Cabanatuan City at around 5:00pm and got to Cubao at 9:00pm, just in time for the last trip to Balibago. During the trip, I desperately tried to sleep to no avail. I just couldn’t. I realized the team should have travelled early in the morning so that gives me ample to rest. I should have. I should have.
The team stayed in Mc Donalds. My students were hungry and we had to wait for someone too. We decided to just stay there until midnight. Besides we doubted if we could find a room when there was a huge event in Nuvali the following day. Again, bad idea. I lacked sleep.

Past twelve and we decided to go to Nuvali. Music volume was at max. I could barely hear my own voice. Or I guess I was just too nervous. And before I head off to the start area, I did my last minute rituals. There wasn’t enough time but I knew I had to. My anxiety was eating me up.

When I thought I somehow knocked my anxiety out, I, along with my students went to the start area. I took my time chip which was personally handed to me by the organizer herself – Jaymie Pizzaro. Once I fastened it on my right ankle my students and I had a big group hug. After which, I joined my fellow runners for a prayer. I couldn't remember how long it took but somehow it felt so surreal that when I opened my eyes I stepped on the blue mat  and the race began...

Galloway all the way…
I knew I lacked training. And if there was one thing I was holding on to, it was only tibay ng loob. Of course, that wouldn’t make me finish my first marathon alone. Thus, I decided to scrimp and save my energy. I thought it would be best to do Galloway from the start to finish. It was 4-1; four-minute run and one-minute walk. I stuck to it until I reached KM5 and I thought I was bored. So I decided to run the next 5K at an easy pace without stopping. Good thing I had a bottle of Pocari handy. I knew there were enough water stations but I just needed something to hold, somehow the bottle became my company. Remember the ball made of coconut in Castaway?
Girl Scout Promise—Laging Handa
I wore running shorts with pockets. I thought I could use my pockets in bringing stuff I might need along the way. So I kept a small jar of Vaseline in my right pocket while in left was a tiny bottle of Omega Pain Killer. Thanks to Marlon who reminded me to bring pain killer. I started using it as soon as I hit KM10. The Vaseline also saved me from chaffed inner thighs.

Dream Chasers
I’d say TBR DM was the best race I have joined so far. Every runner was treated extra special. Although unlike other runners who tagged their whole running team and friends with them, I only had my two trusted students with me. But I never felt alone or sad along the way because there were many Dream Chasers. Plus, their posts where strategically placed in routes where the runners needed a boost. They handed the runners chocolates, banana, chips, energy gel, and they cheered for every everyone on top of their lungs. I bet my fellow runners would agree if I say we needed it.

KM 32
The Galloway continued. I hung on to 4:1. However, having not included even at least one 32K in my training I felt I was about to hit the wall. See, my cheating part had taken its toll. Putting my foot in front of the other seemed impossible. Plus it was around that area where there were slopes. Going down was easy but going up was near impossible. I thought it was time to prolong my recovery period so I decided to do 3-2; three-minute run and two-minute walk. Along the way I kept on reminding myself that I only needed to cover 10K. If I could cover 21K then 10K would be a piece of cake. Hahaha so talk about self-reverse psychology!

Last 4K
The last 4K seemed to be the most difficult part. There was a twist in the route. Runners had to turn right and make one loop before heading to the finish line. The Finish Line was few just hundred meters away if I head on but of course I needed to turn right. I had to remind myself that if 10K was a piece of cake the 3K was… was… was… It was around this time when everything seemed challenging. And to my horror it rained. Although it somehow refreshed my body, my shoes and clothes became damp that gave me an uneasy feeling. I had to apply Vaseline on my inner thighs again to avoid chaffing.

Fellow Runners
When I registered for TBR DM I only knew one fellow runner; Belle. In fact she was the one who encouraged me to join TBR DM. And since I was not able to attend in any of the running clinics my network was limited. However during the race everyone seemed to be my long time friends. We cheered for one another. Every time I ran past a limping runner I asked him if he needed help. The same thing happened to me when I had to stop and apply Vaseline. Just the thought of making sure everyone was okay was enough to inspire and motivate someone. I may not meet those runners whom I shared road on my first marathon but they will forever be cherished. I will forever be thankful for being extra nice. Two things I realized: being nice is contagious and it isn’t difficult to be one.

Another thing I loved about TBR DM was the gazillion of photographers (now that’s exaggerated). But kidding aside, there were so many photographers everywhere. So who didn’t want nice photos? For someone maarte like me, I would want photos of me smiling beautifully despite the struggle. So I guess somehow the photographers motivated me to go on. At one point I was battling with myself whether or not to prolong my walk break but when I spotted a photographer, I decided I should run. Hahaha

Finish Line
Just before I had my final right turn, I came across Team Logan. “You can finish it under 6 hours. Go for it!” were the words of Craig. One could guess it was definitely the sweetest. With my right knee aching I did my final kick. I could hear cheers of admiration from the onlookers which made me run faster. I ran with my remaining strength with a big smile on my face. It was like a scene taken out from a movie – and the world around me stopped moving, all I could heart was my heart beat, I was running towards the finish line on a slow motion with my both hands raised as if praying and glorifying God for helping me conquer that freaking 42 kilometers. (Okay, that was so dramatic. But who could blame me, finishing a marathon itself was a dramatic experience.) As soon as I crossed the finish line I looked up and the time read 5:58:11.

Ms Jaymie, it was definitely a life-changing experience. Words are not enough to thank you for all your efforts in coming up with the best race for first time marathoner. Every single thing about DBR DM will be cherished. And I shall always boast of being part of  TBR Dream Marathon 2013.