Sunday, February 3, 2013

Condura Skyway Marathon 2013

In Economics, I learned that people face tradeoffs. To get one thing, I have to give up something else. Making a decision requires trading off one goal against another. Thus, when I started running I thought I would have to give up travelling. I thought running and travelling are two activities I couldn't do at the same time.
MYTH. In fact running makes me travel. Yesterday, my fellow runners Christian, Phillip, Marlon, Kuya Jojo, Teri and I went to Filinvest City to join Condura Skyway Marathon. Okay, so I was no longer the only girl this time. Teri, a mountaineer/runner was with us.

When we got to the venue, I wasn’t surprised to see thousands of runners sporting the white and blue tech shirt. After all I belonged to Wave F. Teri, however, belonged to Wave B while the rest of the boys belonged to Wave E. I wanted to run with the boys so I sneaked to Wave F crowd while the marshalls were busy checking other stuff. Haha

While we were waiting for the gunstart, my friends and I exchanged pleasantries and wished each others’ safety. Soon enough we heard the gunstart. I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep up with their pace so I decided to stick to my pace. I started really slow. I didn’t want to use up all my energy that soon. I didn’t get enough sleep the previous night so I thought pushing myself too hard might cause me to tire out soon. Good thing though Glenn, an acquaintance from Cabanatuan was also taking things slow. We ran side by side with a really slow pace. But when I thought my body was ready to speed up, I decided to increase my speed. 

Along the route I noticed the flickering of lights of the buildings. From afar, it looked like fireflies with different colors dancing to the rhythm of the early morning music. The roads were deserted. Very few cars can be spotted. Everything seemed to be at peace with the universe. It was one tranquil early morning sight. Magical indeed!

As soon as I hit the U-turn, I decided to do Galloway. Lack of sleep the previous night had taken its toll. Although my mind dictated me to go on my body was just too stubborn to follow. Plus, Fluid Trainer was a wrong pair for a half-marathon. I realized I should stick to stability shoes on long runs. My right knee started to throb in KM 11. Although tolerable, I needed walk breaks so as not to hurt my right knee too much.

Not long enough, I reached the tollgate. I was elated but at the same time a bit cheesed off for the road soon became crowded. 42K and 21K runners now shared the road with 10K and 5K runners. The scene was comparable to a maze. And since many decided to just walk off to finish line it became a challenge. I had to be extra careful not to hit or bump my fellow runners. This continued until I reached the finish line. The event was just jam-packed and moving around seemed impossible without bumping the person next to you. My vexation continued when 21K runners were asked to go straight to the Active Health Village to get the medal. I thought I was too tired to walk another half kilometer. Besides I needed to look for my friends too. And given the number of crowd, it would be very difficult to spot them. Thankfully, I spotted Kuya Ming, Rose and Matot. While we were having a little chitchat I spotted Phillip. “Thank God!” I thought to myself. Soon enough, I spotted Christian. I was too tired that all I wanted to do was sleep so we decided to go to the parking area where Kuya Jojo’s van was parked. After freshening up, the team decided to head back to Cabanatuan City. While inside the vehicle, Christian and Marlon crowed their photos. I was jealous that I didn’t have photos taken at the photo booths. But I was too tired to line up or even walk around the Active Health Village. As they show off their photos I fell asleep.