Saturday, February 16, 2013


I have been running for a little over a year. When people ask me why I am so into it I say it keeps my body healthy and fit. I join races mainly because of the benefits I get from it; NO Ms. Universe-like reasons such as to save mother earth or run to save lives.

But this time, it was a different kind of story. It was the first race which I supported and became part of not because of what I could get from it but because it was the only race which objective I found genuine – the Run4Kids.

Run4Kids was organized and made possible by the University Student Council of the university where I teach. I initially agreed to be the host of the event but when I saw the medal, I decided to run too. Marlon, one of my runner friends, was to help me with my pace. (Yay, I admit, I'm a lazy runner!)
When I got to the university, I immediately went to the stage to help out my partner. Not long after, 10K runners were asked to assemble at the start area. Marlon and I patiently waited for the gunstart. As soon as it went off we sprinted off. It was a rather fast pace. I knew I’d tire up soon. But I realized there were three girls ahead of us. Our goal was to run past them before we slow down to recover. Thus, it was a relief when we finally did. We ran past the two girls but one of them was just too fast. I decided it would be futile to catch up since she was hundred meters away from me.

Along the way I kept on asking for walk breaks. Good thing Marlon didn’t push me hard. I was not used to a faster pace in longer distance (I told you, I am lazy runner.). But from time to time I would check the female runner behind me. See, I really wanted to win. Soon enough we were nearing the finish line. I was overjoyed when realized I bagged Second Place with a time of 57 minutes. A mean feat!

Thanks to my pacer.