Thursday, April 26, 2012

Looking Back...

It’s summer vacation! Alas, I’ve got a license to bum around. Apart from my regular training and attending summer classes, I do not have much to do in between. Hence, after my long run today, I decided to some housekeeping. I started with the center table in the living room. My college albums have been sitting there for a long time and I realized it’s covered with dust. After wiping the dust away from its faux leather cover, I browsed on it. Memories came flashing back to me. Ahh... Good old days, I muttered. I browsed all four albums and I realized I have changed a lot. I thought it’d be fun to write something about and share a bit my life before falling in love with running.

2000. This photo was taken during the Open House of the dormitory where I stayed when I was a freshman. Fresh out of high school and I looked so young. Haha 

2001. This photo was taken during an interview with then UP Mindanao Registrar Prof. Julis Quiz. The interview was part of my requirements in Comm Skills 2. 

2002. This photo was taken at a geothermal plant in Kidapawan City during our Natural Science class field trip. 

2003. This photo was taken on the last day of my internship at ABS-CBN Southern Mindanao where my Tagalog heart would always sink every time I would have to write news in Cebuano. Haha

2004. This photo was taken in front of EBL Hall around early 2004. It reminded me of how I was in college – a student who would always be spotted anywhere in the campus sitting on the floor and doing some research works. 

2005. This photo was taken on the first semester of AY 2005-2006. I was with my fraternity brothers during intramural. It was my last semester in the university.

2006. This photo was taken on my most awaited (no pun intended) graduation day. =)

2009. This photo was taken during my girl best friend's wedding. Yay, I must admit I was pressured to shed off few pounds to fit in that gown. Haha

2010. This photo was taken during my guy best friend’s wedding. Gone are the traces of shirt-jeans/shorts-sneakers days.

2011. This photo was taken sometime in May 2011. When I started teaching in college, I went back to shirt-jeans-sneakers thing.

March 2012. This photo was taken just few hours before my pre-oral thesis defense.  JK, my friend harshly pointed out I look anorexic on this. It must have been due to the lack of sleep brought by thesis writing.

April 2012. This is another recent photo with my good friend Melisa taken during Bayanihan 2012 at Fort Magsaysay. I look much healthier on this one but JK still argues I look anorexic.

Looking at those photos, I realized I have changed a lot. In college, I maintained an average weight of 68-70kgs. When I started working I maintained an average weight of 63-65kgs. Right now, I maintain 55 kgs. I was comfortable with my weight then until I started losing weight on the first few months of running. 

I wonder though had my life not been into great chaos five months ago, would I have gone stomping the ground? Maybe. Maybe not. I wouldn’t know. But one thing I’m certain: running has shown me a different perspective in life. I am determined to continue running not only because of its physical benefits but because of its psychological benefits. In addition, it is heart-warming to know that I have unconsciously encouraged friends to try running as a sport and lead a healthy lifestyle.