Monday, April 23, 2012

Confessions of a Fun Run Junkie

“Adik ka na sa fun run!” people would tell me.

I would just smile and say “I am.” In fact, I am a self-proclaimed fun run junkie. Some of them would commend my strength and willpower to stick to running while others would talk about how negrita and skinny I have become. I couldn’t care less! As per my favourite writer, Paulo Coelho, what others think of me is none of my business. I guess some people would never really understand why I spend weekends joining fun runs than going to movie house or bumming around with few friends.

Hence, I asked myself. Why do I love running? Why do I religiously wake up at 5:00am everyday to run while the entire neighbourhood is fast asleep? Why do I splurge my hard-earned money for running apparels? Why is it so easy for me to pay P250 for a race kit but find buying a cup of coffee so expensive? Why do I invest on running and health magazines than any other magazines?

To answer these questions, here are among the many reasons why I am so passionate about running.

Psychological Benefits. Not that I am psychologically unhealthy but the psychological benefits of running is my main reason why I stick to it. It keeps me away from stress brought by demanding workload. It also makes me alert and sharp at all times.  

Physical Benefits. I have not complained of any pain or illness since I started running – not even a cold, cough or fever. The only pain I encounter is muscle sore brought by training. But it’s the kind of pain I enjoy the most for it reminds me the mileage I have conquered so far.

Only Me. When I join fun runs, I leave behind everything – highest educational attainment, profession, wealth, and even personal issues. I run with kids, young adults, and adults. I am with them as a fellow runner, plain and simple. I welcome the fact that these people no matter what background they have can be better runners than I. I also appreciate the tips and techniques they share.

Better Me. The other day, a friend forwarded a message. "You must never compare yourself to anyone except from the previous you. This allows you to become a much better person than before." This speaks truth for me. The physical changes in me may be apparent but what I appreciate the most is the changes within. Yes, I have changed a lot – for the better.

Bonding with Running Buddies. Training with friends is one of the best ways to bond with them. During trainings we talk about anything under the sun – our dreams, fears, victories, failures, happiness, frustrations, and even heartaches. It allows us to get to know each other on a more personal level

Meeting New Friends. Becoming part of a running community and expanding my network is one of the best things about running. I love being with people whom I share the same interest and passion. It allows me to see the world in another perspective.

Visiting Different Places. When I started running I thought I would have to give up travelling. I thought I couldn’t do both at the same time. I was wrong though. Fun Runs allow me to go to places I have never been before. In fact, running makes travelling extra special.

Learning New Lessons. “I know one thing that I know nothing” is a well-known saying on Plato’s account. Being with runners whether elite or beginner allows me to learn many new things about running. It is also a humbling experience that 15-year old kid can be more well-informed about running than I. It makes me realize that strength alone is not sufficient and that I should also be equipped with theories as well.

Now tell me, are these reasons not enough? If you still think I am wasting my time and energy on this activity then let’s meet up at Freedom Park and let’s sweat it all away...