Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Date a Girl Who Runs

Date a girl who runs. Date a girl who spends her weekend with her fellow runners conquering a new route or trail. Her tan lines speak so much of the mileage she has conquered so far. Her strength is her power – a characteristic that is tantamount not only to physical but psychological strength as well. 

It’s easy to date a girl who invests on affordable but long-lasting running gears. It only shows how she values her money which she works hard for. She skips buying clothes that can only be worn once or twice but she saves her money for sports bra, cycling shorts, socks, running shoes and visors. She doesn’t go to work sporting the latest fashion trends but on special occasions where there is a need to dress up a little, she stuns everyone by wearing a simple dress that emphasizes her toned body.

You’ll recognize a girl who runs by her sun-kissed skin which she carries with so much confidence. Her skin essentials include sunscreen lotions and moisturizers to keep her skin glowing even on races. Some people may brand her high-maintenance for she picks the best sunscreen lotions, moisturizers, lip balm, and other skin essentials in the market. She doesn’t mind though. She deserves it! Her body is the temple of her soul, hence worthy of all the love and care.

Date a girl who runs for she is not afraid to commit mistakes and takes risks. She believes that committing mistakes open a room for improvement. Fret not for she takes every criticism positively because she thinks every experience teaches her something. Taking risk is her twin sister. She is always on the go on trying new routes or trail for the creation of her Creator never fails to amaze her. She loves surprises brought by the beauty of the world!

It’s easy to date a girl who runs for she exudes positive aura. It makes very her approachable. Never be afraid in asking her questions (especially during races) for she herself values the importance of it. Talk to her about anything under the sun. You’ll be surprised how open-minded she is. She has experienced many things during the races and she fully understands how unique every individual is.

When you’re feeling blue, get near a girl who runs. A girl who runs emanates a positive attitude. She is always ready to motivate others. She believes that as a runner she has the responsibility to channel positive energy to her fellow runners or the people around her in general. She doesn’t ask the people to deal with their predicaments the way she does but she sets an example. She is definitely an inspiration and a gift.

Date a girl who runs. She will not ask you to quit smoking or give up drinking but will invite you to run on weekends. She will not stop you from eating whatever you like but will share her fruit juice and vegetable salad with you. She will not force you to quit playing online games at night to get enough sleep but she will lovingly prepare your running gears for the next day’s run. Date a girl who runs because she takes your health into consideration for she wants you to live longer – it gives you both longer a time to spend together.

If you think you need to buy expensive chocolates, flowers, and movie tickets for her then go ahead. But a girl who runs would only think it’s too much. She would appreciate it more if you sign up for a fun run next month. And why would she not love it? Signing up for it would mean training together. Both of you can train on weekends or when your schedules permit. Besides, most fun runs are organized for a cause. Date a girl who runs because despite of her strong personality she still has a soft heart and ready to help others in her own little way.

Date a girl who runs. Make her feel protected. She may be mentally and physically strong but she would appreciate the fact that someone is there to keep her safe. Let her know that no matter how far she has run, you will always be there for her. She would definitely love it when you hold her hand as the two of you approach the finish line.

Find a girl who runs. And once you did, date her, love her, and marry her. If you think you have seen enough of this world, a girl who runs will make you see the world in another perspective. You will not regret every single moment you spend with her. Instead, be prepared for the surprises that life has in store for the two of you. 

(Inspired by Rosemarie Urico’s Date a Girl Who Reads and Aleah’s Date a Girl Who Travels)