Friday, June 15, 2012

Biking is More Fun in CLSU

I woke up early today not to train but to prepare to go to Munoz Science City. Mobile PRC was scheduled to be there and I got to grab the chance to renew my Professional ID. However, I still wore my usual shirt, leggings and rubber shoes since part of my itinerary was to go to CLSU.

I originally planned to run in CLSU since I thought I’d be finish with my business in PRC before 9:00am. However, it took me forever to get my paper processed. Hence, I got to CLSU past 11:00am. I thought It’d be good to walk around and look for a place to eat. And so from the main gate, I walked straight to the grand stand. I walked a little farther and passed by Carabao Center. I decided to have my lunch there.

While I was having mu lunch, I noticed a group of student biking around the campus. They were using "koreanovela-inspired bikes (as what my good friend Melisa would put it). I thought it was rather cool. I made a mental note to ask the students where they rented the bike.

After lunch, I went to the dairy store beside the cafeteria. I wanted to buy yogurt but I decided to have non-fat milk instead. I wanted plain yogurt and malunggay yogurt seemed odd. I drank it straight and headed to the grand stand. I stayed there for some time and by 1:00pm I decided to go to the USC office to rent a bike.

When I got to there, I surrendered my ID and picked my bike. I haven’t ridden a bike for the longest time. I could not even remember the last time I rode a bike. And yes, it was somehow a struggle.

Biking around CLSU was definitely not for beginners like me. Not only students occupied the streets but vehicles too! I thought I needed helmet and knee pads. Haha I biked around CLSU. I passed by different colleges. However I was too lazy to get off the bike and take photos. I also went to Lingap Park. All I see were huge trees and lagoon. It felt peaceful. It reminded me of Baguio City.

I biked around the campus for two hours. I turned left at every corner. Sometimes, I’d turned right. I passed by CLSU Hospital which reminded me of my childhood. I thought of the days when my brothers and their classmates would play at the back of the hospital, or sit near the fishpond and count the fish, or run in front of the hospital. Ah, good old days...

After two hours of biking, I decided to return the bike. My legs and butt hurt. Haha I had fun though. I got to see some places in the campus I haven’t been too. Good thing there were huge trees everywhere so biking in the middle of the afternoon was okay.

I took few photos along the way. Here...