Sunday, June 10, 2012

Tanawan Experience

I have been training in the same place in the last seven months and oh boy, I am getting bored. Thus, I always grab the chance to train with Melisa and Jersan at Freedom Park. But since summer classes have recently ended, I am too lazy to travel for an hour to get to Cabanatuan City. Besides, it’s been raining a lot lately.

Thus, one could imagine how thrilled I was when Phil invited me to run in Tanawan along with other friends. I was more than excited about the new route. And of course training with friends have always been something I look forward so I accepted the invitation.

We got to start off point about past six in the morning. I was somehow taken aback for I don’t normally start my training around that time. I always find it difficult to train under the scorching heat of the sun. Nevertheless, the idea of training in a new route was so inviting. After a few minutes of stretching, we started running slow. Phil said it would be 12k route. Hence I made a mental note to just run slow to conserve my energy. Plus I overheard from Kuya Ricky and Kuya Jose that there’d be less than 2k uphill. And so I thought I should save my energy for that.

Along the route, we passed by a very long stretch of field. Although the sun had risen and started to claim its throne in the sky, I could still feel the morning breeze kissing my skin; it was magnificent. And yes, the majestic mountains! I could see them silently seated from afar as if looking out on its kingdom. There were very few houses too. I realized it was something I couldn’t trade for cityscape.  

The route was just amazing that I didn’t realize we have run more than three kilometers. Good thing, Phil was wearing his Garmin watch and he would remind us from time to time. Although the twins, Kuya Jose, Kuya Ricky and Kuya Arnie were way ahead of us, I didn’t mind. Instead I kept a conversational pace.

At about less than 2k from the turn around point, I realized the route was getting challenging. It was uphill all the way. I was glad Kuya Ricky helped me with my pace. He ran next to me making sure I stretch and regain my energy. Along the route he shared some tips on how to run uphill and recover quickly. Goodness gracious! While I could hardly breathe, the man beside me could still talk and share tips. Hence, it was a huge relief when we reached Tanawan Rest Point.

I thought the most challenging was over. But going down the hill was even more challenging. Hello gravity! I had to fight it off bringing so much pressure on my knees. I was somehow worried of my knees. Good thing Kuya Arnie helped me with my pace while Kuya Ricky was few meters away. Kuya Arnie taught me the proper way of running downhill. The lesson was short-lived though. He ran down the hill and in a few minutes he was way ahead of us. On the other hand Kuya Ricky took over the post. He shared some insights and words of encouragement. I guess he must have felt that my energy was going down.

Finally, the scorching heat of the sun and too much loss of water had taken its toll. I decided to walk hoping to recover. Kuya Ricky noticed it and we stopped by a store to buy bottled water. I drank half of it and rested a little. Kuya Ricky instructed me to get back to track. Although my body resisted, I gathered all my remaining energy. I realized it would be harder to run once I lost my momentum. We kept an easy pace. From time to time he would remind me the remaining distance to conquer. So when he announced we were less than a kilometer away, I was more than happy. I thought couldn’t survive. We were all smiles when we reached the starting point. I was so thankful to Kuya Ricky for helping with my pace.

After the run, we headed to Phil’s place for a hearty breakfast. While eating, we shared stories and experiences. In the end, we all concluded that it was such a fun and exciting training.