Monday, July 30, 2012

Run. Learn. Have Fun.

Since the class started, I have been encouraging my students to run. Some of them would normally join me in my training at Freedom Park after my class. I would always tell them how beneficial running is and how it changed my life. Let’s just say pay it forward...

Consequently, when I heard about the upcoming Kaugnay Run, I encouraged my students to join. And since many were intrigued as to why I got hooked to running, a number of them registered at once. I initially planned to accompany them to the venue and just wait until they finish the race. I was not to tire out myself given that I’m running 21k in Milo Marathon the following day. But as per my friend, it wouldn’t do me any harm as long as I take an easy easy pace for 3k. Okay, so the idea of running with my students thrilled me so I decided to run after all.

So I met with my students at Jollibee as we wait for the coaster that would transport us to Fort Magsaysay. When we got to the venue, it was already packed with runners. Some were chatting while others were warming up. Everyone seemed to release positive energy – something I always look forward to whenever I join fun runs.

When the gun start went off for the 5k and 10k runners, my students and I lined up along with the other 3k runners. And since I wasn’t after my PR, I chose to stay at the back of the pack. I was just to guide my students and to enjoy the run.

Since the route included a portion of the field which was muddy after the heavy rain the previous night, I told my students to brace themselves and be ready for an obstacle course. When the race started, we walked our way through the muddy field. My students and I kept on laughing and joking about the whole thing.

Not long after, we reached the pavement. It was a relief. My students and I started to run with an easy pace. I didn’t want to push them hard. After all it was their first time to join fun run. My goal was to make them run and enjoy the whole experience.

It was a combination of walk, jog, laugh and photo ops until we reached the u-turn and got our yellow ribbon. From time to time, I would check on them and make sure they were okay. On our way back, it was another round of walk, jog, laugh and photo ops.

When we reached the finish line, I realized it was the only run when I didn’t have to think of anything but fun. There was no PR to beat, no pace to maintain, and no ghost runner to outrun. It was more of a carefree run. Thanks to my students who made the whole experience extra special.

Students, until our next run!!!