Sunday, May 13, 2012

1st Nerivi Fun Run: My PB

Unlike the previous races, I got off from bed later than the usual. I was glad the venue was just 10 minutes away from home. Yay! Hello Talavera!

My cousin and I got to NEUST gym few minutes before 5:00am. We realized we were too early for the race was scheduled to start at 6:00am. While waiting for the race to start, we exchanged pleasantries with friends and fellow runners.

At around 5:30am, the participants started to arrive. In an instant, I felt the heightened energy in the gymnasium. Everyone was exuding pre-race excitement.

After Coach Glenn made some few reminders, 5k runners were asked to line up. My cousin and I joined the other runners and waited for the gun start. When the kwitis went off, runners dashed off as well.

I initially planned to start slow just like what I did in trainings. But I realized I was trying to keep up with faster runners. After few hundred meters, I slowed down. I thought I’d be using up too much energy too soon. Not long after, Phil, a friend and fellow runner got past me. I tried to keep up with his pace but failed in the end. It wasn’t really a good idea to follow somebody else program – especially when one didn’t train for it.

I tried to keep a fast yet controlled pace. Along the route, I had to remind myself of my goals: set a personal record and finish the race strong. Although it’d be nice to win the race, I thought I should stick to my goals.

On my last ikot, I saw Teacher Jonnie. “Third ka, Teacher”, he said. His words were enough to make me kick and stride off to the finish line. I finished 6k in 38 minutes. Yay!!! That was the fastest I did so far. I was very happy for setting a personal record. 

As soon as  the awarding ceremony ended, I invited friends and fellow runners for a breakfast in our house. But since I suck in kitchen works I failed to make appropriate estimate on how much food to prepare. Hahaha that was so embarrassing! All I could do was wish Mama was at home to save me from all the troubles. Nonetheless, I had fun having them around (and I learned my lesson too. Hahaha)