Thursday, May 3, 2012

Smoothie Fix

What I like most about my folks is that they support every endeavor I take. For instance, in this whole running affair, never did I hear them discourage me. In fact, Mama would lovingly buy me fruits for my daily smoothie fix. And of course, my most favorite is Banana Smoothie!

Now, what do runners get from banana and why should they include it in their diet?

Potassium. It is the main benefit that every athlete gets from banana. Our muscles rely on specific mineral balance including potassium, magnesium and calcium. Once these minerals become unbalanced, our muscles react by cramping. Banana is rich in potassium that can fight this imbalance.

Carbohydrates. Runners need lots of energy production while running. To make energy, our body needs a mixture of oxygen and macronutrients, with carbohydrates being the primary source of energy. As the broken-down carbohydrates from the banana are combined with oxygen, a chemical reaction occurs, releasing energy for use by your muscle cells.

Okay so there are many ways to incorporate banana in our diet. I love eating it raw for a snack. Sometimes though it’s great as side to a meal. There are also days when I like it with peanut butter. But my favorite is tadaah!!! Banana Smothie.

Luff, C. (January 2011). Healthy Snacks for Runners. Retrieved from Retrieved on May 3, 2012.

Luff, C. (August 2011). Best Food for Runners. Retrieved from Retrieved on May 3, 2012.

Young, S. (December 2004). Banana Nation. Retrieved from Retrieved on May 3, 2012