Thursday, May 31, 2012

Oh [K]nee!!!

I have been out of track for two days in a row. I feel sad about it but I have to nurse an aching knee for now. I guess I must have been training really hard lately. I have been experiencing some pain on my right knee since last week but having a high threshold in pain, I didn’t really put much attention to it. But last night was unbearable. I kept on waking up at night for I could feel the excruciating pain. I kept on tossing on my bed for I couldn’t keep a single position in one minute. At one point I had to recline my feet on my headboard to somehow ease the pain. Taking pain reliever is not an option. Too bad I’ve got allergies and I have always been careful not to take medicines without prescriptions.

I guess this would mean nursing week for me. I just hope I get better. Sandigan is in two weeks and I already enlisted in 10k.  

Sunday, May 13, 2012

1st Nerivi Fun Run: My PB

Unlike the previous races, I got off from bed later than the usual. I was glad the venue was just 10 minutes away from home. Yay! Hello Talavera!

My cousin and I got to NEUST gym few minutes before 5:00am. We realized we were too early for the race was scheduled to start at 6:00am. While waiting for the race to start, we exchanged pleasantries with friends and fellow runners.

At around 5:30am, the participants started to arrive. In an instant, I felt the heightened energy in the gymnasium. Everyone was exuding pre-race excitement.

After Coach Glenn made some few reminders, 5k runners were asked to line up. My cousin and I joined the other runners and waited for the gun start. When the kwitis went off, runners dashed off as well.

I initially planned to start slow just like what I did in trainings. But I realized I was trying to keep up with faster runners. After few hundred meters, I slowed down. I thought I’d be using up too much energy too soon. Not long after, Phil, a friend and fellow runner got past me. I tried to keep up with his pace but failed in the end. It wasn’t really a good idea to follow somebody else program – especially when one didn’t train for it.

I tried to keep a fast yet controlled pace. Along the route, I had to remind myself of my goals: set a personal record and finish the race strong. Although it’d be nice to win the race, I thought I should stick to my goals.

On my last ikot, I saw Teacher Jonnie. “Third ka, Teacher”, he said. His words were enough to make me kick and stride off to the finish line. I finished 6k in 38 minutes. Yay!!! That was the fastest I did so far. I was very happy for setting a personal record. 

As soon as  the awarding ceremony ended, I invited friends and fellow runners for a breakfast in our house. But since I suck in kitchen works I failed to make appropriate estimate on how much food to prepare. Hahaha that was so embarrassing! All I could do was wish Mama was at home to save me from all the troubles. Nonetheless, I had fun having them around (and I learned my lesson too. Hahaha)

A Love Letter on Mother's Day

Dear Mama,

Six months ago I told you I wanted to run. You didn’t say anything. I thought you didn’t hear me. So I repeated what I said. You just looked at me and said “Magpapagod ka lang.” I felt sad. I was hoping you would support me just like you did in all my other endeavours. I didn’t mind though. I just thought you might be tired and you didn’t want to be bothered.

I slept that night with mixed emotions. Excited – because I hadn’t run for the longest time. Apprehensive – because my left tibia was fractured some years ago. Happy – because I knew I would be doing something I love doing. Worried – because I might not wake up on time. But most of all, I was sad because you didn’t show even the slightest support.

The next day, at exactly 5:00 am, my alarm went off. I got off from bed, said a little prayer, change my clothes, stretched a little, sat on the edge of my bed and stared blankly on my life-size mirror. I was thinking of backing out and going back to sleep. In a little while, you knocked on my door. From the outside of my room I heard you said “Anak, di ba tatakbo ka?” That made me stood from where I was sitting and smiled as I walked outside my room.

Few weeks after, I announced that I will join a fun run. You thought it was a waste of time and money. But I enlisted anyway. On the day of the race, you woke me up. You nagged about how slowpoke I was. You said I should be waiting for the first trip otherwise I would miss it. You patiently accompanied me outside our gate as I wait for the first trip to Cabanatuan. When the passenger jeepney finally arrived, I bade good bye. You told me to take care.

In the last six months never did I hear you wish me luck in any of the races. But every time I got home, I would see fruits in the kitchen – banana, apple, grapes, mango, papaya, mangosteen, and many more. You would also buy me peanut butter. I once mentioned to you that runners need peanut butter. And during races, you would patiently accompany me outside our gate as I wait for the first trip off to Cabanatuan.

In the last six months all I heard from you were nagpapagod ka lang, ang itim mo na, ang payat-payat mo na, etc. But every time our neighbours would comment on my activity, you would always brag that I could run more than 10k. You would also swank that your daughter is mentally and physically strong.

And oh, during those sluggish days (especially during thesis writing days) you would remind me not to skip my training. One time, Diko called. You told me to tell him my shoes were worn out and it’d be nice if he could buy me a new one. When my favorite running shoes gave up on me, you made me use your only running shoes.

Mama, although you are not so vocal of your support on my running activities, your actions speak otherwise. Talk about reverse psychology! You are the best on that aspect. I must say I wouldn’t be where I am right now if you not of those nags – although sometimes I’d like to think you still see me as a little girl.

Fret not Mama. I am still your little girl even if I have become a woman. Do not be afraid that I would fall and get hurt. Always remember how well you taught me to stand up and dust off myself. Be confident that I will reach the finish line undaunted because I know when I get home you lovingly prepared a hearty breakfast for me.

Thank you for bringing out the best in me all the time. You really have a unique way of pushing me to the limits.

I love you Mama – yesterday, today, and tomorrow. You will always be my icon. 

Happy Mother's Day.


Friday, May 4, 2012

To Bath or To Rest

In the past few months it has become my habit to rest after training before taking a bath. Usually, I prepare my breakfast and smoothie while resting. That gives me about half an hour to rest. However, with the increase in training load and God forbid, early class schedules next semester, I wonder if I could still rest.

In college, my PE professor told me that taking cold shower after workout is okay. He also added that it helps reduce muscle soreness. But hey, I took my PE1 a decade ago! And in the world where we live, nothing is constant but change. So I decided to check with my best friend – Google of the recent studies on this subject.

Here is what I found out...

Cold water allows your skin pores to close making you sweat less after you shower. It also alleviates muscle pain. This is because cold water or ice reduces the sensitivity of your body's nerve endings. It also causes the blood vessels of your muscles to contract, thus preventing swelling in the damaged area.

On the other hand, hot water encourages blood vessels to expand. This allows more blood to reach the sore areas. Thus, it removes the lactic acid causing pain and replenishes the muscle.

Moreover, resting after the workout has no medical benefits. It only allows the body temperature to adjust and sweating eventually slows down.

To take a bath (whether it’s cold or hot) or to rest, it depends on your preference I guess. As long as you don’t mind that sticky after feel in your skin, then rest for as long as you want. =))


Cespedes, A. (October 2011). What are the Benefits of Taking a Cold Bath After a Workout. Retrieved from Retrieved on May 4, 2012.

Petros, R. (May 2011). Bath Relief for Sore Muscles After a Workout. Retrieved from Retrieved on May 4, 2012.

Quinn, E. (March 2011) 10 Ways to Recover Quickly After Exercise. Retrieved from Retrieved on May 4, 2012.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Smoothie Fix

What I like most about my folks is that they support every endeavor I take. For instance, in this whole running affair, never did I hear them discourage me. In fact, Mama would lovingly buy me fruits for my daily smoothie fix. And of course, my most favorite is Banana Smoothie!

Now, what do runners get from banana and why should they include it in their diet?

Potassium. It is the main benefit that every athlete gets from banana. Our muscles rely on specific mineral balance including potassium, magnesium and calcium. Once these minerals become unbalanced, our muscles react by cramping. Banana is rich in potassium that can fight this imbalance.

Carbohydrates. Runners need lots of energy production while running. To make energy, our body needs a mixture of oxygen and macronutrients, with carbohydrates being the primary source of energy. As the broken-down carbohydrates from the banana are combined with oxygen, a chemical reaction occurs, releasing energy for use by your muscle cells.

Okay so there are many ways to incorporate banana in our diet. I love eating it raw for a snack. Sometimes though it’s great as side to a meal. There are also days when I like it with peanut butter. But my favorite is tadaah!!! Banana Smothie.

Luff, C. (January 2011). Healthy Snacks for Runners. Retrieved from Retrieved on May 3, 2012.

Luff, C. (August 2011). Best Food for Runners. Retrieved from Retrieved on May 3, 2012.

Young, S. (December 2004). Banana Nation. Retrieved from Retrieved on May 3, 2012

I ♥ Summer Vacation

Since I started teaching, summer vacation is my most awaited vacation. It is two-sweet-month of me time! I can do anything I want minus the worry and stress brought by due dates, due dates and did I say due dates? Haha Well I have hundreds of reason why I love summer vacation and a single entry will not be enough to enumerate everything. But let me name the top reasons.

Drum roll please...

Train Hard!. No more 7:30 am class to make me skip training. It is summer and it’s not likely to rain so not even the weather is an excuse. So, I love summer because I get to train regularly plus I always come across with my biker friends along the road. Yay!

Quality Time with Friends. On regular school days, I am so busy that at times I could not even say hi to my friends. But summer vacation allows me to spend more time with them. We get to do things we like and are passionate about. So, I love summer because I have more time to spend with great friends!

Try New Sports. And what does one do with her two-sweet-month of me time? Try new sport! Cross train! Wouldn’t it be nice learn new sport? And trying out new sport with great friends makes it extra special.

Full-time Student. Yeah, once again I am a student. I guess studying is something I can’t forego. Thus, apart from training I also put my energy on studying. So, I love summer because I am a full-time student – meaning I am but a student – PERIOD 

License to Go Home Late. Uhm, I better not elaborate this part. But one thing though, if I am not in school attending my classes, I am at Freedom Park training with Melisa and Jersan. =))