Thursday, February 16, 2012

WUP FUNd Run: Post Valentine Celeb

What’s the best way to celebrate Valentine’s Day?

Answer: Run. Run for a cause with friends, fellow instructors, students and bosses. 

Today, I joined a fun run organized by the local council of the College of Business and Accountancy of Wesleyan University Philippines in cooperation with the Student Supreme Council. It was part of the 65th founding anniversary of the university. I was glad that the event was close to my second home and the people behind it were good friends of mine.

When I got to the university, the gymnasium was already packed with students mostly from CBA. I also saw few faces whom I met in my previous runs. I was happy that the organizer decided to open the event to non-WUP students, faculty and staff. After all, it was a charity event and the proceeds will go to the victims of Sendong. 

Before the race, there was a short warm up. I must have moved my leg in a wrong way that I instantly felt a pain at the back of my right leg. I didn’t mind it though. I was just too excited to run. When the starting gun fired I sprinted my way off, a decision which later I would regret for I almost had no energy even before I reached the first hydrating station. I walked for a while to rest and regain my energy. But while walking, I was making a mental note of the number of girls who ran past me. I was in 9th place. Not bad, I told myself for I was just aiming to be at least in Top 10.

When I thought my body had somehow recovered, I did a combination of five-minute run and one-minute walk. That way, my body could still relax while I strode my way off to the finish line. From afar, I saw three girls ahead of me. My competitive self was once again awaken and I decided to overtake them. I succeeded in overtaking the two girls but the third girl ahead of us was also competitive. When she realized I was three steps behind her, she sprinted her way off. I was now once again meters behind her. I just continued the run-walk combination. At some point I would overtook her but as soon as she realized it, she would once again sprint off. When we were about 800 meters away from the finish line, I knew she was already tired and didn’t have much energy left. It was then I decided to sprint it off.  I finished 6th place. 

Again and again, I failed to keep track of running time. It would have been helpful to know whether or not I have improved my running time. For the nth time I made a mental note that I’d keep track of it on my next run.

After the race, my good friend Dave treated me a hearty breakfast at yes-you-got-it-right Jolliibee. We talked about our experiences the whole time. Too bad he was late for the race but managed to catch up and made it to the finish line as well. After the breakfast, we walked back to the university where other activities await us.