Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Birth of a Fun Run Junkie

While browsing the internet and checking for articles about running, I saw a fun run ad. It would be in three weeks time and would be held in Cabanatuan. I was just perfect, I thought. That would save me from traveling all the way to Manila just to join fun runs.  I was so excited that I decided I would enlist as soon as the classes resume.

I can’t contain my excitement with the idea of joining my first fun run. I wish to join at least one fun run a month. After all, most of the fun runs are organized for a cause. It would be nice to know that while I enjoy running, I am also able to help people. 

I still am contemplating on whether I’m ready to run 10k or should start with 5k though. I run every day except on Sundays. The longest distance I run so far is 10k. However, my body is more comfortable with 5k. When I go longer than 8k, I notice my knees and legs hurt. But of course, I always have push-yourself-to-the-limit attitude. Adding 2k would just be like adding 15 minutes in my running time.

I’ll think about it later. Besides, the fun run will be on the 14th of January. I still have ample time to train. In a week or two, I would probably know whether I’m ready for 10k or not.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


It’s been a month since I started running. I must admit my life has improved dramatically. Although losing weight was not my primary goal, it came as bonus. When I started running I weigh 137 pounds. This morning, I was so surprised to see the weighing scale registered at 130 pounds. I felt good. It gave me more reasons to stick to my early morning activity.

When I got to school this morning, my fellow instructors and students started noticing my weight loss. Some of them thought I got sick while some thought it was due to some love spell. I found it rather funny how these people could come up with their conclusions. But instead of explaining myself, I just thanked them. After all, I hate explaining myself. For me, it’s unnecessary. 

Running has become a personal thing for me. I always look forward to endorphin rush after each run. I can’t explain the happiness I feel every time I complete my route. I realize that although I am not a sporty-type of person, there is one sport I can be good at. 

To date, my goal is to join CabanaTakbuhan in February. I should be ready for 10k by then.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My Worn-Out Soles

I almost tripped off earlier. The soles of my worn out running shoes were removed. As my mother would put it they gave up on me. I used her running shoes instead. But after few minutes of running, it ended having the same fate with my running shoes. 

Two pairs of wrecked running shoes didn’t dishearten me though. I still have one pair of running shoes kept in a box. I was apprehensive in using it though for I didn’t want it to get worn out. After all, my running shoes were gifts from my brothers and sisters-in-law. I had to take care of it. (See, I get OC and too attached on gifts at times.)

Running with different running shoes gave me discomfort. I thought it was easier to run with my worn out Adidas. And so I decided to shorten my run today. I made a mental note though that I would bring my old shoes to the shoemaker in the neighboring to town and have it repaired.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

On the 7th Day

It’s been a week since I started running. From the 20-minute walk and run combination, I started to run the whole time without stopping. At some point I wanted to stop and rest but I thought I wouldn’t know my limitations unless I push myself harder. Today, I run for 40 minutes and allotted 30 minutes for walking. 

I must admit, this running/walking thing is addictive. I have been seeing the same things since day one. But every time I run/walk past the rice fields, nipa houses, children playing while their mothers were sweeping, and farmers ploughing the field, I thought I am seeing new things. I couldn’t explain the happiness within every time I reach home. 

I’m loving it this whole running/walking thing.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wanted: Inner Peace

Life is not so sweet to me lately. There are so many things going on. I have due dates to beat. Thesis Proposal, piles of quizzes and exercises to be checked and recorded, personal issues – things are just too overwhelming. I couldn’t seem to handle things. Sometimes, I find myself staring blankly on my monitor hoping I’d figure the best way to sort things out. 

Today, I woke up at 5:30 am and decided to walk in our backyard. Good thing, we have relatively spacious backyard. After 20 minutes of walking, I started jogging. I found it difficult to breath. I realized it’s been ages since I last ran. But as soon as I got the hang of it, my body started to relax. My heart beat was no longer pounding widely. I could talk to my mother (who was watching from the veranda) without gasping for air. After 20 minutes of jogging I went back to walking. I thought I had to be kind to my soul and body; after all I have had enough these days.

I continued to walk for about 30 minutes. This time though, I went out in the neighbourhood. It was a very refreshing experience. I walked past the rice fields, nipa houses, children playing while their mothers were sweeping, and farmers ploughing the field. I realized there were things I missed to notice and appreciate for I was so preoccupied. Sayang, I thought. Had I gotten hooked to running earlier, I would have noticed the serene beauty of our place. But then again, there is no point on thinking of what-could-have-beens.  I felt grateful to my Creator for allowing me to see and experience the beauty of his creations. 

When I got home, I felt rejuvenated. There was so much energy that I wanted to go school right away and work. I was excited to see my friends and students. I thought I could channel my energy to them. Somehow, my mind found peace, at least for now. 

I hope this goes on until I find inner peace.