Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Birth of a Fun Run Junkie

While browsing the internet and checking for articles about running, I saw a fun run ad. It would be in three weeks time and would be held in Cabanatuan. I was just perfect, I thought. That would save me from traveling all the way to Manila just to join fun runs.  I was so excited that I decided I would enlist as soon as the classes resume.

I can’t contain my excitement with the idea of joining my first fun run. I wish to join at least one fun run a month. After all, most of the fun runs are organized for a cause. It would be nice to know that while I enjoy running, I am also able to help people. 

I still am contemplating on whether I’m ready to run 10k or should start with 5k though. I run every day except on Sundays. The longest distance I run so far is 10k. However, my body is more comfortable with 5k. When I go longer than 8k, I notice my knees and legs hurt. But of course, I always have push-yourself-to-the-limit attitude. Adding 2k would just be like adding 15 minutes in my running time.

I’ll think about it later. Besides, the fun run will be on the 14th of January. I still have ample time to train. In a week or two, I would probably know whether I’m ready for 10k or not.