Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wanted: Inner Peace

Life is not so sweet to me lately. There are so many things going on. I have due dates to beat. Thesis Proposal, piles of quizzes and exercises to be checked and recorded, personal issues – things are just too overwhelming. I couldn’t seem to handle things. Sometimes, I find myself staring blankly on my monitor hoping I’d figure the best way to sort things out. 

Today, I woke up at 5:30 am and decided to walk in our backyard. Good thing, we have relatively spacious backyard. After 20 minutes of walking, I started jogging. I found it difficult to breath. I realized it’s been ages since I last ran. But as soon as I got the hang of it, my body started to relax. My heart beat was no longer pounding widely. I could talk to my mother (who was watching from the veranda) without gasping for air. After 20 minutes of jogging I went back to walking. I thought I had to be kind to my soul and body; after all I have had enough these days.

I continued to walk for about 30 minutes. This time though, I went out in the neighbourhood. It was a very refreshing experience. I walked past the rice fields, nipa houses, children playing while their mothers were sweeping, and farmers ploughing the field. I realized there were things I missed to notice and appreciate for I was so preoccupied. Sayang, I thought. Had I gotten hooked to running earlier, I would have noticed the serene beauty of our place. But then again, there is no point on thinking of what-could-have-beens.  I felt grateful to my Creator for allowing me to see and experience the beauty of his creations. 

When I got home, I felt rejuvenated. There was so much energy that I wanted to go school right away and work. I was excited to see my friends and students. I thought I could channel my energy to them. Somehow, my mind found peace, at least for now. 

I hope this goes on until I find inner peace.