Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"Together Again"

My alarm clock went off at 4:40 am. I was thankful it did for I had a horrible dream. I immediately got up from bed and went to the bathroom. In less than 10 minutes I was ready to pound the ground.

Using my worn out yet favorite running shoes, I started to run in our backyard. I was glad we have a relatively expansive backyard where I could run. It was still too dark to run along the high way [besides Ma wouldn’t allow Cinderella to go out that early]. It was an easy pace. I initially planned to cover long distance today so I decided to stick with the pace I’m comfortable with.

While circling around the house, loads of thoughts streamed in my mind. I welcomed it. As I ran faster, more and more thoughts flowed. Suddenly, I realized tears were blinding my eyes. I tried to blink it back but it only became overpowering. Finally, I resigned and let it all out. Thank God, Ma and Pa were not having their coffee at the portico this morning. I didn’t want them to see me crying; more so I didn’t want to explain. I just wanted to run and be alone.

I ran until my eyes stopped excreting tears. I ran until my face felt sticky because of the dried-up tears. I ran until I was sweaty all over. It felt good. It was what I needed. It took me 1:07:04 to cover 9.5k.

When I got home, I couldn’t help but laugh. It felt like I running and I were lovers who broke up with one another but decided to be together again – and this time, for good. =))