Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"Together Again"

My alarm clock went off at 4:40 am. I was thankful it did for I had a horrible dream. I immediately got up from bed and went to the bathroom. In less than 10 minutes I was ready to pound the ground.

Using my worn out yet favorite running shoes, I started to run in our backyard. I was glad we have a relatively expansive backyard where I could run. It was still too dark to run along the high way [besides Ma wouldn’t allow Cinderella to go out that early]. It was an easy pace. I initially planned to cover long distance today so I decided to stick with the pace I’m comfortable with.

While circling around the house, loads of thoughts streamed in my mind. I welcomed it. As I ran faster, more and more thoughts flowed. Suddenly, I realized tears were blinding my eyes. I tried to blink it back but it only became overpowering. Finally, I resigned and let it all out. Thank God, Ma and Pa were not having their coffee at the portico this morning. I didn’t want them to see me crying; more so I didn’t want to explain. I just wanted to run and be alone.

I ran until my eyes stopped excreting tears. I ran until my face felt sticky because of the dried-up tears. I ran until I was sweaty all over. It felt good. It was what I needed. It took me 1:07:04 to cover 9.5k.

When I got home, I couldn’t help but laugh. It felt like I running and I were lovers who broke up with one another but decided to be together again – and this time, for good. =))

Monday, August 27, 2012

Tao lang, nagkakamali rin...

I chanced upon an article online about the common mistakes done by runners during races. And I realized I committed 5 out of 7 in the recent race I joined. Someone’s gonna spank me for being an offender. Tsk. Tsk.

So, here’s the list of the most common mistakes committed by runners [wherein I am guilty of the first five]. =(

Being under-trained. For some time running has become a venue where I release all bottled-up emotions. However, due to uncooperative weather, early class schedule, assignments and paper works in post-grad, and many other excuses, I lack training. But I badly wanted to run. I needed to release the emotions which I have been keeping in the past few weeks – emotions ready to explode any time. I knew that signing up for 10k in Run for Victory means pushing my body beyond what it can do but I just wanted to release everything within to free my heart, mind and soul.   
Improper Nutrition. Again, I’m guilty of this. I have been following a low-carb diet in the past few weeks and it’s is a no-no when training. In addition to my offense, I skipped carbo-loading and proper hydration for the recent race. Tsk. Tsk.

Unfocused training. With a lotta things goin on, I just couldn’t keep myself focused. My running log is not even helping. My training schedule is always interrupted by emergency meetings, unfriendly weather and other stuff. As a result, I am unable to follow my program.

Dehydration. Muscle cramps started to say hello at 2.5k. What?! That soon?! Again, another blunder. I didn’t drink enough fluid before the race. Yes, yes, I am aware that dehydration can be detrimental to my performance and health.  

Starting too fast. Coming out under-trained, all I had in Run for Victory was my undaunted courage. Before the race, I asked Mart to help me with my pace. My goal was not to beat my PR in Sandigan Run but to just achieve the same or close it. Mart and I started out slow but gradually the strides became longer and faster. Being under-trained and undernourished, I knew I’d hit the wall before I reach the U-turn. Hence, I decided to slow down at 2.5k and forget about the PR. I ran next to Sir Eric and his companion. I was glad Sir Eric didn’t stop motivating me and ran with me until the end.

Over-training. Okay, I’m under-trained. I’m not guilty of this. Over-training means running consistently faster or farther than our body can handle. Recovery time is necessary.

Wearing new running shoes. Mine’s relatively new but I have used it in training for several times. So again, I’m not guilty of this. Although some runners find it tempting to wear news shoes, but hey, you gotta be ready with blisters and pain. Believe me, been there, done that. *wink*

Run for Victory
Victorious run indeed! In fact, ecstatic and hyper were two adjectives that best describe after the run. Although under-trained and undernourished, I managed to reach the finish line where my students were patiently waiting for me. And Marielle’s big hug came as a bonus!

My PR may be disappointing but it doesn’t matter. I succeeded in tossing away bottled-up emotions and it’s the ulterior goal. As I write this entry, I know there are more tossing up to be done. I just have to hit the ground once again – and this time seriously. In a conversation with a psychologist friend, I remember telling him that running alone is my shield when life’s nastiness strikes – I’m gonna be doing that again. I will reclaim my shield...

Monday, August 20, 2012

Marielle Julia P. Esmino: Olympian in the Making

As a certified Papa’s girl and a teacher who loves to be with kids most of the time, a sight of father and daughter prompts a heartfelt emotion from within. And what more if the daughter I am referring to is an über cute little girl with an overwhelming smile planted on her baby face? Indescribable feeling indeed!

In most fun runs I have joined, I find myself looking forward to seeing the father-daughter tandem – Mr. Osmundo R. Esmino and Marielle Julia P. Esmino. Seeing them together is a pleasing and heart-warming sight. Both are very warm and ready to exchange pleasantries even with strangers like me. As Mr. Esmino instructs little Marielle to pose next to the runners for photo-ops, the latter obeys happily and smiles amiably with her two thumbs up. One would surely notice their charming yet unassuming personality.  

Although I don’t get to see Marielle run (due to earlier gun start for my category), I am impressed at how strongly she finishes each race. With her deceptive delicate appearance one would never imagine that this modest little girl is a podium finisher! Her awards include I Can Run where she bagged 3rd Place, Sandigan Takbo Para sa Kabataan where she emerged Champion, Kaugnay Run where she finished 2nd Place, and in the recently concluded Milo Marathon (Tarlac Leg) she outrun 1,109 runners as she landed at 129th Place out of 1, 238 runners in her category. A mean feat!!!

At seven Marielle is a picture of girl with astounding physical, emotional and mental strength. Her testament to it is her collection of singlets from 11 races which consist of  NE Saya Lakad, Saya Takbo I, NE Saya Lakad, Saya Takbo II, Takbo Para Sa Kabataan ng Kabanatuan, Primavera Run For A Cause, Power Run, I Can Run, Bayanihan Run, Sandigan Run, Kaugnay Run, 36th Milo Marathon (Tarlac Leg) and Aduas Run.   

With all the achievements under her belt, one might wonder how Marielle manages to train while busy studying. As per Mr. Esmino, her daughter trains three times a week. She ends her Fridays with an afternoon training and starts her Saturdays and Sundays pounding the pavements of Kapt.Pepe Subdivision, Vergara Highway, Freedom Park, or wherever her strong feet take her. On the other hand, weekdays are strictly spent for studying.

And as they say, behind every successful athlete is a proud parent like Mr. Esmino who does not only encourages Marielle to train hard but also pushes her to reach her goals. He is not only a proud father who gives her a congratulatory high-five for every strong finish but he is also the first to assure her she did great even when she misses the medal. He envisions her daughter bring our country honor and pride someday.

Despite the popularity Marielle has gained in a short period of time, Mr. Esmino never fails to remind her to stay humble and grateful to the people around her, especially to veteran runners. He also emphasizes the importance of fair play not only in sports but in everyday life – one very important characteristic that every successful athlete possesses.

SO the next time you see Marielle in races, have her sign your singlet. Because with her humility and undying passion for running, I'm sure this little girl will one day make it big in running history.    

Photos by: 
Mr. Darius C. Florentino, []
Mr. Osmundo R. Esmino, []