Monday, June 18, 2012

A Daughter's Letter to Her Father

Dear Papa,

One morning while I was running, Mama started to complain about the whole running thing. She said all I got from running was dark complexion, skinny body and muscular legs. I didn’t notice you were in the kitchen looking out from the screen door. I only did when I heard you said “Sige lang, Anak. Okay lang yan. Huwag mo pansinin si Mama.” And then you went out of the kitchen and gave me a high five. Your words and actions were enough for me to go on. You always have a way of lifting up my dampen spirits. People say you are my abogado ever since I was a child. I say I’m lucky for I always have you on my side.

When I was a kid you would always tell me I am your last ace. I didn’t understand what you meant until you sent me to Davao City to join UP Mindanao. Eight semesters away from you were the toughest times of my life. Each time I fail my exams all I could do was wish you were there to give me a big hug. And my success in every endeavor felt incomplete for you weren’t there to give me a high five. You have always been my strength in times of difficulties. You have always been my cheer leader in times of happiness. 

A lotta people fear you. Everyone thinks you are a very stern person. Some says your words are rules to be followed. I think otherwise. In fact, I see you as the most compassionate person. Each time I see you laugh, you remind me of a person full of love and happiness. Each time you tell me your frustrations, you make me realize that sometimes it isn’t bad to break the wall and lower down the guards. Each time you share your dreams, you unconsciously teach me the importance of dreaming big and working hard for it. You are tough but fair and you know how to have fun.  

When I’m with you I can be myself. I can laugh without covering my mouth and forget about my unflattering gums. I can weep like a baby without being ashamed.  I can talk about my plans and need not worry whether you will approve it or not. I can share to you my passion and all you ever do is support me. I can wear anything and you still believe I’m a real knockout. I can be who I am without seeking for your approval because you always make me feel I am your last ace. 

Papa thank you for always making me feel secured with your love. I love it when you remind me not to run too far for there not so nice people around. (But of course you knew I always go farther than your set distance.) I appreciate the times when you hold my hand when crossing the street. It is like a reminder to everyone that no one can hurt me as long as you are around. And oh, how I find it weird and funny at the same time when we suddenly look at each other and burst into laughter for we have seen something humorous. As they say great minds think alike. =))

I am sorry for I tested your patience many times. And in all those times you remained tolerant and understanding. You demonstrated your love in your own way. You always push me hard to reach my goals. And once the goals are reached, you are the first person to give me a high five. You have passed on to me great values in life and I am determined to follow it.

Papa, do you know why daughters need a father? We need a father for us to be reminded that not all men are the same. I feel blessed for having a father like. You will always top my list of icons and heroes.

Happy Father’s Day!

I love you always.


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sandigan ng Mamamayan: Takbo Para sa Kabataan

I have not been training really hard in the past few weeks. For one, my right knee hurt badly and I had to rest for a week. In addition, I was busy in post-grad school so I couldn’t squeeze in long runs. Hence, I was not so confident to join a race. But since Melisa, Jersan and I already enlisted for Sandigan few weeks ago, there was no point of turning back.

Sporting my Sandigan red-white-blue singlet I headed to Kapitan Pepe. It was barely 5:00am when I got there. There weren’t many runners yet but I spotted familiar faces. The pre-race excitement could be felt in the air and started to build up as soon as the runners congregated. I joined my students near the parking area and chatted with them while waiting for Melisa and Jersan who both arrived not long after. We took few pre-race photos and waited for the gun start. While waiting, we joined the other runners in warm-up exercise. However, we chatted and joked around a lot than exercise (I am so guilty of not warming up before running. Tsk. Tsk.).

Few minutes before 6:00am, I lined up along with the other 10k runners. Melisa half jokingly said I would win this time since she didn’t spot female runner in the said category except me. I just laugh with the idea but made a mental note of my goals: finish strong and set a personal record.

As soon as I heard the gun start fired, I ran along with the other runners. I originally planned to start slow but I found myself running a bit faster than usual. I could hardly breathe. (Okay, shoot me. I am always like that during race day. I guess it must have been due to too much excitement and eagerness to hit my goals). I slowed down a bit and sip energy drink.

I maintained a pace a bit faster than easy run but not too fast that could easily drain my energy. It was a kind of pace that could still make me talk to a fellow runner in spurts of two to three words. I ran in the same pace until I reached the 5th kilometer.

As soon as I got my green band, I decided to run slower. I could feel my energy was going down. At one point I wished Coach Ricky was there to help me with my pace. I tried to recall what he taught me in Tanawan but my thoughts were everywhere. I felt 20 pounds heavier. I tried to think of my goals but I was just out of focus. Suddenly a stray dog started to bark angrily at me and one could guess what happened next. It made me hit the gas and ran for my dear life (now that’s rather theatrical of me).

The barrier breaking run didn’t last long though. After that I felt 40 pounds heavier. However, the sight of Vergara Bridge somehow lifted up my sinking spirit. It meant few kilometers left to conquer. I kept an easy pace. I thought forcing myself to run faster would just result to a disaster.

Few kilometers away from the finish line, I was overjoyed to see Coach Ricky. God must have heard my prayers. I told him I was a bit tired but he assured me that I could do it and should not entertain negative thoughts. I felt relieved but with my energy going down. I could only hope for a better PR. He helped me with my pace. For about few hundred meters away from the finish line, he instructed me to sprint off. I was a bit hesitant but I followed him anyway. When I reached the gate of the municipal hall I was stalled by two policewomen who asked for my name. It appeared that I was the third to finish among the four girls in the said category. Yay! A policewoman escorted me to the finish line. I was so pleased to learn that I finished 10k in 1:02:00. That was a huge improvement from Bayanihan’s 1:09:02.

I joined my friends Melisa and Jersan and waited for the awarding ceremony. We had our photos taken and chatted with friends and acquaintances. When the program was over, we headed home. I had to rest a bit since I still had a class in the afternoon.

Okay so I must admit I was so thrilled with the fact that this was the third time I won in a race (forget about the fact only three of four girls competed in my category *evil laugh*).

Friday, June 15, 2012

Biking is More Fun in CLSU

I woke up early today not to train but to prepare to go to Munoz Science City. Mobile PRC was scheduled to be there and I got to grab the chance to renew my Professional ID. However, I still wore my usual shirt, leggings and rubber shoes since part of my itinerary was to go to CLSU.

I originally planned to run in CLSU since I thought I’d be finish with my business in PRC before 9:00am. However, it took me forever to get my paper processed. Hence, I got to CLSU past 11:00am. I thought It’d be good to walk around and look for a place to eat. And so from the main gate, I walked straight to the grand stand. I walked a little farther and passed by Carabao Center. I decided to have my lunch there.

While I was having mu lunch, I noticed a group of student biking around the campus. They were using "koreanovela-inspired bikes (as what my good friend Melisa would put it). I thought it was rather cool. I made a mental note to ask the students where they rented the bike.

After lunch, I went to the dairy store beside the cafeteria. I wanted to buy yogurt but I decided to have non-fat milk instead. I wanted plain yogurt and malunggay yogurt seemed odd. I drank it straight and headed to the grand stand. I stayed there for some time and by 1:00pm I decided to go to the USC office to rent a bike.

When I got to there, I surrendered my ID and picked my bike. I haven’t ridden a bike for the longest time. I could not even remember the last time I rode a bike. And yes, it was somehow a struggle.

Biking around CLSU was definitely not for beginners like me. Not only students occupied the streets but vehicles too! I thought I needed helmet and knee pads. Haha I biked around CLSU. I passed by different colleges. However I was too lazy to get off the bike and take photos. I also went to Lingap Park. All I see were huge trees and lagoon. It felt peaceful. It reminded me of Baguio City.

I biked around the campus for two hours. I turned left at every corner. Sometimes, I’d turned right. I passed by CLSU Hospital which reminded me of my childhood. I thought of the days when my brothers and their classmates would play at the back of the hospital, or sit near the fishpond and count the fish, or run in front of the hospital. Ah, good old days...

After two hours of biking, I decided to return the bike. My legs and butt hurt. Haha I had fun though. I got to see some places in the campus I haven’t been too. Good thing there were huge trees everywhere so biking in the middle of the afternoon was okay.

I took few photos along the way. Here... 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Tanawan Experience

I have been training in the same place in the last seven months and oh boy, I am getting bored. Thus, I always grab the chance to train with Melisa and Jersan at Freedom Park. But since summer classes have recently ended, I am too lazy to travel for an hour to get to Cabanatuan City. Besides, it’s been raining a lot lately.

Thus, one could imagine how thrilled I was when Phil invited me to run in Tanawan along with other friends. I was more than excited about the new route. And of course training with friends have always been something I look forward so I accepted the invitation.

We got to start off point about past six in the morning. I was somehow taken aback for I don’t normally start my training around that time. I always find it difficult to train under the scorching heat of the sun. Nevertheless, the idea of training in a new route was so inviting. After a few minutes of stretching, we started running slow. Phil said it would be 12k route. Hence I made a mental note to just run slow to conserve my energy. Plus I overheard from Kuya Ricky and Kuya Jose that there’d be less than 2k uphill. And so I thought I should save my energy for that.

Along the route, we passed by a very long stretch of field. Although the sun had risen and started to claim its throne in the sky, I could still feel the morning breeze kissing my skin; it was magnificent. And yes, the majestic mountains! I could see them silently seated from afar as if looking out on its kingdom. There were very few houses too. I realized it was something I couldn’t trade for cityscape.  

The route was just amazing that I didn’t realize we have run more than three kilometers. Good thing, Phil was wearing his Garmin watch and he would remind us from time to time. Although the twins, Kuya Jose, Kuya Ricky and Kuya Arnie were way ahead of us, I didn’t mind. Instead I kept a conversational pace.

At about less than 2k from the turn around point, I realized the route was getting challenging. It was uphill all the way. I was glad Kuya Ricky helped me with my pace. He ran next to me making sure I stretch and regain my energy. Along the route he shared some tips on how to run uphill and recover quickly. Goodness gracious! While I could hardly breathe, the man beside me could still talk and share tips. Hence, it was a huge relief when we reached Tanawan Rest Point.

I thought the most challenging was over. But going down the hill was even more challenging. Hello gravity! I had to fight it off bringing so much pressure on my knees. I was somehow worried of my knees. Good thing Kuya Arnie helped me with my pace while Kuya Ricky was few meters away. Kuya Arnie taught me the proper way of running downhill. The lesson was short-lived though. He ran down the hill and in a few minutes he was way ahead of us. On the other hand Kuya Ricky took over the post. He shared some insights and words of encouragement. I guess he must have felt that my energy was going down.

Finally, the scorching heat of the sun and too much loss of water had taken its toll. I decided to walk hoping to recover. Kuya Ricky noticed it and we stopped by a store to buy bottled water. I drank half of it and rested a little. Kuya Ricky instructed me to get back to track. Although my body resisted, I gathered all my remaining energy. I realized it would be harder to run once I lost my momentum. We kept an easy pace. From time to time he would remind me the remaining distance to conquer. So when he announced we were less than a kilometer away, I was more than happy. I thought couldn’t survive. We were all smiles when we reached the starting point. I was so thankful to Kuya Ricky for helping with my pace.

After the run, we headed to Phil’s place for a hearty breakfast. While eating, we shared stories and experiences. In the end, we all concluded that it was such a fun and exciting training.     

Monday, June 4, 2012

Look who's back on track!!!

After seven days of nursing my right knee I am finally back on track. Yay! I missed running so bad. Mind you it was only one week of skipping my training and yet it felt so looooong.

I am more careful this time though. Although the pain was gone three days ago, I cannot afford to aggravate my knees. After all I am determined to run for as long as I can and that entails taking good care of my body.

Today, I started my training with a five-minute brisk walk which gradually became an easy run. I kept the same pace for 20 minutes. From time to time I would listen to my body. I had to make sure I didn’t feel the slightest pain. At first I thought I should keep my run short but when I didn’t feel any discomfort at all I decided to go on. After reaching the 2km marker, I turned around. I thought I shouldn’t go longer than 5k today.

Along the route I passed by fellow runners and bikers. I was glad a number of my neighbors started running lately. Gee, we could start a running community in the area!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Takbo Para sa Kabataan

Okay so here’s the reason why I should be fit and be back on track very soon.

Sandigan ng Mamayan Takbo para sa Kabataan (3k, 5k, 10k and 21k on June 16 at Kapitan Pepe)

Race/Event Date: Saturday, June 16, 2012 at 5:00am

Location: Kapitan Pepe Subd., Cabanatuan CIty

Race Type: 3k, 5k, 3k, 5k and 21k

Registration Fees: P250 for 3k and 5k, P300 for 10k and P500 for 21k

Registration Venues: Community Police Assistance Centers, NE Pacific Mall, Mega Center and Freedom Pak

For inquiries, call 09224590376