Saturday, April 27, 2013

Run for Health

I have not been joining fun runs in Cabanatuan City and I hate to admit it but I gained weight. Hence, I decided to get back to serious training. Plus it is summer; there is really no excuse to miss training.

Now there was a fun run I joined this morning. It was dubbed Run for Health. It kind of rang a bell; it sounded like Miles for Health, a fun run my friends and I organized last year. Hahaha Okay, I zipping lips on that part.

Going back to race, I got to Cabanatuan City at around 4:30am. There were a few runners in the area so I thought the race would probably start at 5:30am. Having joined several races outside the city I realized many lack discipline in terms of time. Tsk. Tsk.

It was only after an hour when runners started arriving. I just kept my disappointment to myself. After all everyone seemed excited. Some started warming up while others were busy chatting with their fellow runners. I was just observing them when an acquaintance approached me. We exchanged pleasantries and had a little chit chat. We talked about, yes you guessed it right, running. I tried to appear interested but the impatient persona within insisted to just go home. I did not wear my wrist watch but the sun was up and I could tell it was close to 6:00am. I was getting edgy. I did not like the idea of running late. Talk about the scorching heat of the sun!

Alas the gunstart went off. What a relief! I kept a relatively slow pace. I knew I had to speed up a little because 14k was no joke. It would soon be hot and I did not apply sun block. I was a little sad though because my male runner friends were not around. No one would help me with my pace. Tsk. I missed them. =(

Back in the start line I saw four ladies. Five brave ladies including me. All three sprinted off. I thought I wanted to keep up with them so I pushed a little harder. When I ran past third lady, I maintained a relatively fast but controlled pace.

Everything seemed okay but trouble started when stray dogs appeared in the picture. They were everywhere like onlookers ready to bite anyone. I had to be very cautious not to get near them. In addition, I became very preoccupied with the dogs that I realized the runner ahead of me disappeared. I did not know whether he turned left or right. He was simply out of sight. Now where were the marshals? What made things worst was the water station was nowhere to be found! Oh good heavens. I had a bottle of water handy but it was half empty.

Things were just displeasing. However I tried to look at the brighter side; one fine day; kind and cheerful onlookers were everywhere.

So when the sight of the first water station appeared I thought it was a miracle. I filled my bottle and head on. The volunteer was nice and started small talk. As soon as I had my bottle filled with water I thanked her and head on. Along the way I reminded myself to save my water because I did not know where the second water station was located. In all fairness, the second water station was not too far from the first. But since my bottle was still full I decided not to stop. I did not know how far I covered so far but in the entire time I only saw two marshals; one was on bike and the other one was in Melencio Ext.

The road was familiar. Heading straight would lead to Kapt. Pepe. I wondered though where the third waster station was placed. My bottle was half empty again. But since it was futile to blame anyone I composed myself and brushed away negative thoughts.

Not long after I reached Phase 2. It was a relief. Finish Line was few kilometres away. Although I tried to squirrel away the remaining water in my bottle, from time to time I would hope for another water station. Thankfully, the third water station was in sight. To my dismay though there was no water anymore. Argh. It was just sooo disappointing.

I, however continued running. After all it was about one kilometer away from the finish line. I prayed for more patience and understanding. “Let’s get it over and done with.” I told myself. Thus, I was pleased when I crossed the finish line.

I landed in rank 4. All the while I thought there were only five female runners for 14K category but there were actually six of us. Okay, it was not really biggie but I did not see the girl who landed third at the start area. I thought there were only five of us. Oh well I could be wrong. She must be somewhere in the middle of the pack; I must have not noticed her. However, a friend of fellow female 14K runner asserted there were only five girls. Oh well, like I said no biggie. She could be somewhere; maybe she was with the crowd and only joined us when the gunstart went off. Besides, she was one of the fastest female runners in the city – no doubt about it.

Lessons Learned:
1. Bottled water is necessary especially in races in Cabanatuan City.
2. Be flexible; most races Cabanatuan City don’t start on time.
3. Patience keeps one’s sanity intact. Some things are beyond our control.
4. Compete with no one but yourself.
5. ENJOY THE RACE, no matter what.