Sunday, March 25, 2012

I Can Run

I Can Run (Run for Kids with Special Needs). 3K, 5K, 10K Run on April 15at  Cabanatuan City

Race/Event Date: Sunday, April 15, 2012

Location: Phase 2 Kapitan Pepe, Cabanatuan City

Race Types: 3K, 5K, 10K

Registration Fees: P250 inclusive of race kit and snacks.

Registration Venue:  Levites Music Store (Ground Flr, Mega Center) and Pards Gym

For inquiries, call 0999-717-0917

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Saya Lakad Saya Takbo 3

I have been very busy lately but that didn’t hinder me from running. In fact, today was my 4th fun run. Unlike in my other runs, this time I decided to take it to a higher level. I thought I was ready to run 10k. Besides, running has become my shield in times of stress. I thought running more than what I used to would mean (to me) more shield against stress brought by thesis writing.

My former student Alex and her boyfriend were with me this time. We arrived in Lakewood just in time for the race. The brightly lit street was full of bodies sporting yellow-black singlets. All were excited for the event. I saw familiar faces. I realized that as long as I join fun runs in Cabanatuan, I’d be seeing those familiar faces. I smiled and greeted them and they did the same. Before the race started drum and bugle corps intensified the energy by showcasing an intermission number. 

As soon as the intermission number was over, 10k runners were asked to line up. We did as told. Once we heard the starting gun fired, we went off the road. At one point we had to slow down and rest and at one point we had to run faster than our normal pace. At first I thought the idea of running with companions was a mistake. After all, I was used to running alone. I thought my running time could suffer if I were with companions. But when we reached the 5th kilometre, I realized how one needed a companion in long distance running. When the energy seemed to go down, the companions were there to cheer one up and assure that the finish line was just few kilometres away. 

True enough, Razon, one of the marshalls, told me I was about 1.5 kilometers away from the finish line. I looked back to check on Alex and her boyfriend who were about 800 meters behind me. They signalled me to go on. Not long after, I saw Razon again who told me I was 800 meters away from the finish line. I gathered all my energy and ran as fast as I could. It was a sweet finish at 1:16:00.  

When I reached the finish line, someone handed me my certificate and a laminated paper with 7th Place printed on it. Yehey!  I squeezed myself in the crowd who were happily feasting on the food the organizers prepared for us. From behind, the bald good looking guy (in my next run, I will try to find out his name) appeared and gave me a high five. He commended my strength for being able to finish 10k. He also invited me to join the next fun run in April. I gladly thanked him. He went back to the finish line and congratulated the other finishers while I stood near him to wait for Alex and her boyfriend.

Not long after, I saw Alex and her boyfriend fast approaching the finish line.  I cheered for them. I was happy they made it. She got 8th Place for Women’s Category. We were joking about being part of the Top 10 because we knew there were only 8 participants in 10k Women’s Category. Still we thought it wasn’t too bad because our running time was at 7.6 minutes per kilometer. 

We squeezed in the crowd to get our meal. Food stalls were everywhere. It was literally flowing with food-good food for that matter. We happily sat inside the hall and ate while waiting for the awarding ceremony. 

As soon as the program ended, we had our photos taken at the photo booths. We had so much fun trying on the colourful wigs and hats while waiting for the cue of the photographer. We were like kids patiently and excitedly waiting for our photos to be developed. Once we got our photos we walked our way out of Lakewood. We marveled on the huge houses in the village. We even noticed the new buildings of the College of Immaculate Conception. We wonder how come we didn’t notice it earlier when in fact it was the same street where we ran.

Once we reached the entrance of the village, we parted ways still feeling happy and excited about the whole event. We agreed to see each other in the next fun run.